Looking to Advertise?


Get "EXPOSURE" starting at $14.95/wk.

A brief overview,

Basic details are as follows:

  • A basic and simple lease requires a minimum 12 month commitment. After a 12 month period, the lease converts to a month to month purchase plan if you decide to continue advertising at the PA Dutch Farmers Market of Wyomissing.
  • Signs will be designed by Noble Group USA LLC, or at your discretion, signs can be designed by an independent web graphics company, or your own internal graphics/artwork department. If you decide to design yourself, it must adhere to a few basic guidelines. We'll supply the details.
  • All sign designs must be pre-approved by the PA Dutch Farmers Market of Wyomissing regardless of who designs the graphics/artwork prior to printing and mounting. Signs may not be removed by Customer at any time. Contact us any time with a 30 day notice to quit, after lease expires.
  • The PA Dutch Farmers Market of Wyomissing will be final authority on who is approved for an Advertising Lease. Noble Group USA LLC will be the first point of contact, and will present customers design for approval at the next available market business meeting.
  • For uniformity, all signs regardless of who does the graphic design will be printed and installed by Noble Group USA LLC.
  • PA Dutch Farmers Market of Wyomissing reserves the right to terminate early any existing lease or monthly purchase plan should a condition arise requiring modifications of any kind in the market interior, the customer's public reputation, product line or conduct is no longer appropriate/approved for our advertising environment, or customer does not keep adequate supplies in media holders for customer acquisition.
  • Noble Group USA LLC is the Authorized Advertising Facilitator for the PA Dutch Farmers Market of Wyomissing. Contacting the market directly to circumvent the proper channels for submission of materials to get a sign approved will only delay your approval process.
  • Noble Group USA Spinning Ball
    Noble Group USA LLC

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